Symptoms of COVID-19 What are the initial symptoms? How to prevent COVID-19


The situation of the famous epidemic is online every day. And still does not seem to improve like The "coronavirus" or "COVID-19" worries many people. And keep an eye on the news and the number of people infected Death rate As well as to protect yourself from this dangerous infection

What is the coronavirus or COVID-19?

Coronavirus was first discovered in 1960, but its exact origin is not yet known. Rather, it is a virus that can infect. both humans and animals. A total of six strains of this virus have been identified today, while the now heavily prevalent strain worldwide, the seventh strain, is therefore referred to as the "first" virus. “New coronavirus” and later officially named COVID-19” (COVID-19), so the new coronavirus and COVID-19 refer to the same virus.

Where did the new coronavirus or COVID-19 come from?

The new coronavirus, or COVID-19, was originally discovered by animals. It is a sea animal that is infected with this virus and people who are close to Interacting with these animals are infected with the virus again. It started in Wuhan, China, with doubt that it came from a market that traded in sea creatures. And these rare animals

Primary symptoms of COVID

Data from the World Health Organization states that symptoms of COVID-19 That are easily noticed by themselves with the following symptoms

Have a fever

Sore throat

Dry cough

Runny nose


Body aches

Sore throat




Loss of ability to smell and taste

A rash on the skin Or discolored fingers and toes

Some cases have complications, such as pneumonia, and the doctor may examine further with a lung x-ray. Then found that pneumonia is associated with inflammation If the condition is very severe (found to be infected in the later stages), it can cause damage to the internal organs.

Additional update of COVID-19 symptoms

How to prevent COVID-19 infection

 Avoid close contact with patients who have cough, sneezing, runny nose, panty, sore throat.

Avoid traveling to vulnerable areas.

Always wear a mask when in public.

Symptoms of COVID-19 What are the initial symptoms? How to prevent COVID-19 Be careful when touching unclean surfaces. And may have pathogens Including things that are frequently caught by people, such as grips on the BTS, MRT, Airport Link that open-close the door in the car. Various door bolts, faucets, handrails, etc. When handling it, do not touch the face with your hands. And various personal items such as mobile phones, bags, etc.

Wash your hands regularly with soap. Or alcohol gel for at least 20 seconds, alcohol concentration not lower than 70% (not mixed with water)

Refrain from keeping eyes, nose, and mouth while not washing your hands

Avoid being close Touching animals unprotected

Eat well-cooked food, use a medium spoon, avoid food made from rare animals.

For healthcare workers or those who are directly caring for patients infected with the novel coronavirus or COVID-19, a surgical mask should be worn. Or wear safety glasses To prevent infection in the aerosol from sputum or secretions into the eyes


The dangers of the new coronavirus

Symptoms of COVID-19 What are the initial symptoms? How to prevent COVID-19

Although the symptoms generally appear to be just a common cold. But the fear is common around the world because this virus is a new strain that has no direct antibiotic that can cure it. Treatment is palliative only with symptoms.

Besides, the danger that leads to life-threatening It occurs when our immune system is not healthy. Or the virus can destroy the lung function Until the virus spreads to spread more quickly

At risk of contracting the new coronavirus

Young children (but may not experience as severe symptoms as older adults)

The elderly

People with existing medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, chronic lung disease.

People with immune disorders Or eating immunosuppressants

People who are very overweight (very obese people).

Symptoms of COVID-19 What are the initial symptoms? How to prevent COVID-19

People traveling to infectious countries such as China, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Italy, Iran, etc.

People who have to work Or treat patients Closely infected with the new coronavirus or COVID-19

People who are involved in a career that involves a large number of foreigners, such as taxi drivers, hospital staff. Various airline crew members, etc.

What should I do if I have COVID-19?

If there are symptoms of the disease that occur according to the 5 above, you should see a doctor for a thorough examination. And when asked by doctors, they should be truthful, not obscure, not distorting any information because it is most beneficial for the correct diagnosis.

I recently returned from a vulnerable area You should keep yourself in the house. Not going outside for 14-27 days to pass the incubation period. (Make sure you really aren't infected)

If I suspect I may be infected with the new coronavirus or COVID-19, what should I do?

If you are in a high-risk group such as having symptoms of the disease Or just returned from a country at risk of infection Able to ask for disease examination with the hospital, there are both free and paid.

Symptoms of COVID-19 What are the initial symptoms? How to prevent COVID-19

** If no symptoms at all do not need to be examined.

Free test for COVID-19 if visitors meet these criteria.

Just returned from a trip to a high-risk country

Have symptoms in the respiratory system

A fever greater than 37.5 degrees Celsius

Cough, runny nose, sore throat, breathlessness, and pneumonia for an unknown reason.

Have a close history Or contact with an infected person, such as a family member just returned from a high-risk country

Symptoms of COVID-19 What are the initial symptoms? How to prevent COVID-19

Doing occupations that involve large numbers of foreigners, such as taxi drivers, hospital staff caring for infected patients. Airline crew, etc.

You can get a free exam at a large public hospital. Under the Ministry of Public Health.

Ramathibodi Hospital


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